Fayrix Social Media Monitoring Platform

360-degree monitoring of mass media and social media
Fayrix Social Media Monitoring Platform processes data from over 300 key media sources, groups and publications on social networks. It allows to analyze brand performance and presence in media space, identify key topics, information waves and respond to image threats in a timely manner. Internal mechanisms of the artificial intelligence can predict the information distribution channels and audience potential reaction. The Platform main purpose is to increase performance of marketing and PR departments in the rapidly changing conditions of digital media.

The platform use cases

Conducting research to make analytical reports on information environment and brands media performance;
Gathering of statistical data in media and social media;
Identify negative information trends for timely risks management;
Compilation of media and social media digests for executive officers.

Fayrix social media
monitoring platform

Support for major social networks and media
Automated detecting opinion leaders, media trendsetters and bots
Continuous (24/7) information collection
Flexible configuration of reports for manager
Text sentiment analysis based on machine learning
Various access rights for the system for PR managers, technical support, marketing team etc.
TV, Web and Mobile app clients for instant access to the latest information and reports
Information perception analysis
Access to historical data
Extra data sources for monitoring can be easily and quickly added
Flexible filters and search criteria
Details stats on each publication (impressions, likes, dislikes) & visualization of metrics to track changes
Fayrix Social Media Monitoring Platform allows to analyze brand performance and presence in media space, identify key topics of interest and respond to image threats in a timely manner.
Interested? Request demo right now!